Monday, February 27, 2006

HeinOnline in the Legal Research Spotlight

Did you know that the Hamline Law Library Website is an excellent portal to a number of informative legal research sources? There are many, many sites that will allow you to quickly and efficiently find the legal information you need. Periodically, Material Information at Hamline will put one of these legal research sites in the spotlight.

HeinOnline is an excellent resource for finding legal periodicals, but its libraries contain much more. The HeinOnline database has collections that include the Law Journal Library, the Federal Register Library, the Legal Classics Library, the Treaties and Agreements Library, and the U.S. Supreme Court Library.
The Law Journal Library contains PDF format versions of over 600 law journals. For most journals, coverage starts with the first issue published, which means that HeinOnline is an excellent resource for finding PDF copies of early issues of law journals. When you enter the Law Journal Library, you choose a journal from the alphabetical list. Once in the Journal, you choose the volume and then an article or articles from that volume. From there you can choose a specific article and read it, print it, or search the text of the article for specific text (law review cite checkers, take note!). You are also able to do basic keyword searches, as well as author/title searches on one or more titles.
The Federal Register Library is a collection, again in PDF format, of the Federal Register from 1936 to June, 2005 (viewing these documents online is more convenient than using the microfiche versions), Federal Register Indexes from 1939-1995, the Compilation of Sections Affected from 1949-2000, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents from 1965-2004, and the Administrative Procedure Act from 1944-1946.
In the Legal Classics Library you will find an assortment of law treatises and books with early publication dates (late 19th and earth 20th century). Some of these books may not available to circulate because of their age, so having a PDF version of the text is convenient. The arrangement of the books is alphabetical by title, but you can change the arrangement to sort by author name. Search and print options are the same as in the Law Journal Library.
The Treaties and Agreements Library contains a comprehensive collection (over 18,000 records) of PDF images of treaties and other international agreements. Also included are unpublished treaties and agreements and treaties that are no longer in force.
In the U.S. Attorney General Opinions Library you will find the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice from 1977-1996, the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States from 1791 to 1982, and the Digest of the Published Opinions of the Attorneys-General, & of the Leading Decisions of the Federal courts, with Reference to International Law, Treaties, and Kindred Subjects (1877).
Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court Library contains U.S. Reports from 1754-2002, U.S. Reports Preliminary Prints from 2002-2004, and U.S. Reports Slip Opinions from 2002-To Date); Guide to the Early Reports of the Supreme Court, Vol. 1 (1995); and The Supreme Court Economic Review (Vols. 1-6, 1982-1998) and The Supreme Court Review (1960-1999), both periodicals on the Court.
ACCESSING HeinOnline is quick and easy. From any computer in the law library, just go to the Law Library Website and choose “Find Periodical Articles” from the left menu. Then choose HeinOnline from the list of displayed databases. If you want to access HeinOnline from off-campus, simply type in your Hamline Username and Password when prompted (use the name and password you use to access your Hamline email account).

HeinOnline is a very useful and powerful research tool—it is worth exploring.


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